Friday, September 5, 2014

Ideas for Durable Terrain


Once I publish this thing (my RPG project for DCC - I swear it's almost done!),

I'm going to turn my mind and eyes and hands to constructing a gaming space downstairs in the old man-cave.  I'm pleased to be playing with some guys who are really into the hobby as well as WINNING, and they are mostly skilled players and modelers and painters

Also, owing to my new access to HIGH SPEED INTERNET, I have been sucking up Youtube videos on painting figs.  My Genestealer cult AND/OR Nurgle Cult will soon mesh seemlessly with these IG and I will leave the Emperor's Light far behind us.  I'm thinking pale and sick and green for everything, with glossy slimy looking bases and general phlegminess.

I was thinking about ways to produce durable terrain on the cheap with more than just tin cans - specifically I'm thinking about swaths of ruins that will hold up to handling with not much investment.  I figured it out!

I have a bunch of laminate flooring going to waste in a corner somewhere, and that stuff is dense, light, strong, and I bet with some prep it'll hold paint well and it's practically indestructible from a gaming standpoint.

With my trust rusty drill and jigsaw and miter saw, I bet I could crank out something relatively nice.


More to follow.

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