Monday, October 27, 2014

7th Edition Growing on Me

I played Rogues Trader long ago, had a 2K vanilla marines army in 2nd edition but was more a Necromunda guy.  My IG and Sisters and DA are all geared in 5th. So I never played 3,4, or 6

I was skeptical about a new edition but the mission cards and psychic phase are appealing. The rules for flyers seem to me easily abused but add an interesting variable to the game.

I like it, and it helps I have some pretty voracious and relaxed (in most ways) gamers to play with.

Listening to the Beer and Bolters 40K podcast - these are the guys I've been learning again with. Nice guys. The beer doesn't help me learn any, though.

new objectives: next year, creep up on the Genestealer Cult. This'll mean stripping the termagants and GS I already have painted in lurid pink. I can't recall ever stripping 30-40 models at once but I bet I could manage it. This year, finish painting and basing and working out the kinks with the figs I already have. Some minor purchases for Codices and maybe some vehicles (also I'm keen on Ogryns)

Although I had my ass whipped handily by Dave yesterday (daemon scum!) I recognize mostly I could have turned it around with a little effort and knowledge. I don't know the rules for the IG orders anymore, and I bottled a couple of big shooty squads up. Didn't use the armies to its strengths at all.

I'll fix that next time.  Also, I'm rusty on the lingo S5 AP2 rending heavy

The code doesn't come to me easily anymore.  I need a command squad for the IG and maybe some more Ogryn (conversions from fantasy would be cool)

We ended the game yesterday with a melee between my Nork and the Nurgle Warlord that was transformed into a Chaos Spawn in the fervor of killing my Inquisitorial Chaplain in h2h. Nork pulled the thing's tentacles off summarily and pummeled it into submission with the butt of his assault cannon.

There's potential.

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