Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Army of the Robolich

The Robolich, Girilag Otokrin by name, spurs his forces to march across the Glassine Wastes.  His brain and CNS are heavily augmented with silicon and demon-technology, and encased in a Blue Vanadium Centipede Chassis which in some ways actually boosts his spell-casting beyond what a purely organic shell can manage. The necromantic powers he wields long ago wore down his flesh to greasy ash and dust.  Through decades of training and pushing the limits of available technology, his mind can contain up to 8 powerful incantations, or 12 lesser dweomers!

At this time leads the following (usually from the rear):

325 Zomborgs and 75 Buzzdrones (to convert fallen enemy to more Zomborgs)

150 Mongrelmen Irregulars with stub pistols and/or hatchets

70 Horned Kith/Beastmen with laser-rifles and hand weapons 

15 Asteroid-Farmed Black Trolls, high on combat drugs and hungry for flesh

12 Tentacule Floaters with Poisoned Beaks and Encryptor Flechettes

3 Stalking Mecha Gargants with Disintegrator Eyebeams and rending claws

At this time the horde is small but aggressive and fast-moving. If he takes the Shrine of the Red Martians and recovers the Necromodulator there, he can raise effectively unlimited undead in the form of Skeletons and Shriveled Wailers (who will all likely take up spears and swords). The next course would be to fire the engines on the Obsidian Ark and pack it with the surviving members of the horde and take Fed Station

Be Wary! for his enemy Thyle-Vus the Mad Evokatrix approaches and so there will likely be much Phlogiston Disturbance in the vicinity, and the usually placid tombs in this quadrant may roil and boil to un-life, again.

Her forces (mainly abyssal and para-elemental) will be detailed later, and random encounter charts provided.

(Note: GW makes some fun Beastmen that would be cool to convert, but I'd probably need to source almost everything else!  This will never come to fruition but I've seen great models that could fit, and it's a fun thought exercise for Space Dungeon)

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