Monday, March 16, 2015

The Grey Ladies

Kitbashed a Canoness - here's Jehann D'Arc of the Grey Ladies

Surrounded by the Sisters, if you peek in the back you can see a horde of Inquisitorial Henchmen and Goliath Gangers, as well as some Flagellants

I have some plastic fantasy Ogres that will make some good DIB DIB DIB DOB DOB DOB, and if I can keep my wits about me I ought to be able to start the Genestealer Cult and the modular board soon. Going to bash together a Penitent Engine maybe, too

The 3rd edition Catachans will probably become Cultists, maybe a squad of Veterans for the IG (501st Necromundan Irregulars)

My group is cooking up some campaign rules and it's looking to be a fun Summer for war gaming.  Alternating Kill Tean/Planetstrike/Battles with Space Hulk and the Armada game

time - all I need is time

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