Monday, April 27, 2015

More Classic Genestealers for the Cult

 The Taint Cola Company (my Genestealer Cult) is coming along at a good clip, now I've taken the first steps.  I looked into some hybrids on eBay ($$$/£££), but I remembered I have some Mantic infected mutants for just this porpoise. They have little pin-heads, and maybe need more arms but I will sort it out.

Put the 4x4 legs on the table - measure twice and cut once because I evidently came up about 3/4 of an inch short on one leg.  The lumber for the table is warped pretty badly so it's going to take some fretting about; maybe this is why it seemed wobbly.  I got it stable and mostly level although it looks twisted, somehow. It will be a table fit for fighting about heresy and dissent and corruption on, for certain!

The legs are 40 inches, so it probably will come to about 43-45 once it's all set up. Good for keeping wandering fingers/tails away and your back from needing interventions.

Kludged together some Spore vents and tentacle/maw towers. This must have all come from the Macragge set, since I have some Termagants/Hormagaunts, for some reason.  It's funny once you start playing a few different armies and building things for them, the whole world starts to look like hobby material.  I got a plan for this pumpkin stalk that would make you lose 1d8 SAN...

These were at Lowe's - paint drip catchers, but they will probably be turned into fortified Heavy Weapons nests.  A whole bunch of wood scraps are going to be scatter terrain tonight or tomorrow, too.  Not to mention all the produce container pillboxes!  These Taint Cola folks tithe dutifully, and are good about giving the PDF regiments free samples, but they don't like locals prodding around the works, if you get my drift.  So they are going to need lots of murderholes, steamy tunnels, vents, pipes, and pumps.  I figured out a do-able way to turn old wood into stone work with the Dremel and will try to post results as they arrive on the scene.

Taint Cola will be as much like Mountain Dew Sangrita Blast as I can make it without violating good sense and IP. Did I tell you that I dream of it? That it's hallucinatory color catches the Octarine particles just so, and it's intoxicating flavor gets me in touch with the Hivemind in a way that is ecstatically transcendent?

The web site says that a second release will come soon, and that bottles of this Extra-Heavenly Citrus-and-Laudanum-Flavoured Nectar are available for your consumption in a convenient vendor bear you!!!  It's like drinking from Nepenthe itself!  JOIN THE OVERMIND - DRINK TAINT!

COMING SOON, SUMMER 2015: TAINT SPOOK, TAINT PSYKO, and (limited release) TAINT BLU KALMA. Visit the  Holonet Site for details!

I have the urge to purchase some Gargoyles and a Harpy.  Maybe for my birthday.

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