Thursday, June 18, 2015

DIY Terrain Progress

I stayed up late last night, again, noodling around and trying things out.  Hot glue was flying and I moved forward with the dual-generators-made-from-kid's-toys. Suitably greebled up and going to flock with some kitty litter/sand/tea combo. I think I will need some matte black spray before I proceed, and maybe a file or something to smooth the edges of the laminate base.  I'll post pictures of that when it's primed and ready.  Meanwhile some shack/platform (shackform?) and a big ass Pthalo Green wall.  These are odd sizes - 2x4's are actually 3 and 3/4 by 1 and 3/4 inches.  Imagine both these puppies liberally slathered in laser-burn, Imperialist Propaganda, and bullet holes.

Also, I've had this Imperial Preacher primed and waiting for paint for maybe 5 years (possibly longer!) and only just late last night got around to sorting him out. My impulse is to use too much wash and I often muddy everything up with one coat too much.  I'll need to sit on it for a little longer and see; maybe I will go back and glaze the shoulder portion of his habit again to get it a little more pink.  Still sorting out skin tones and eyes (after 20 years of painting I know now why I prefer dry-brushed Space Marines. Although I enjoy paining figs I'm not necessarily technically skilled or aesthetically a natural and it takes enough work and patience that I find it aversive sometimes. My eyes don't work like they used too, either...  I have a serious urge to dumpster-dive at work and bring home a dead laser printer to raid its guts.  MUST RESIST.  Just now I found that water has damaged my copy of Space Hulk (well, the components look pretty good but the box has some water damage and appears to have harbored some heretical beetles).  Time to paint all those GS and Termies.  It occurred to me during a brief moment of acrylic-driven clarity that I have a great number of Termies and never field them.  Do I feel like they are cheating, or something?  Gosh, I don't know.  Way back, I think, I always viewed that guy - the one with a jillion termies - as kind of a goat fucker, but now I think it's a matter of inflation and my sins of old are mere pecadilloes.

next: prepping the platforms and gantries 

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