Saturday, June 27, 2015

Experiment Success

The Progenitor, Patriarch/Broodlord of the Taint Cola Company
So, I consider the dual-priming method a pretty fun success.  I highly encourage your use of it, if you like easy and handsome results.  I'm happy with my previous attempts at Genestealers, but this new way makes interesting things happen on the model that you might appreciate, too.  Namely, for little in the way of work, you get nice highlights and lowlights (midtones not so great, maybe) and you can embellish those with your style of washes and highlights as you like.  All you need to do is start with black and white primers, then thin down your paints to a glaze, and then off you go.  When the Progenitor's base is done, I will put up a decent pick of him and his scuttling crew.

Observe the differences between the classic Genestealer below left, and her sister to the right, who has been dual-primed.  I like the starker claws on the left but that's about it.  I had serious trouble drybrushing the ridges etc. after priming the model black.  There just wasn't any place to put color on after that.  However, the crevices and lowlights are nicer, maybe.  I'm growing more comfortable with good consistent ink washes and glazes, now, but it's still not something I'm very good at eyeballing.

Anyway, now to finish these and base them as best as I am able... My back is wildly off kilter, and I may save painting and hobbies for tomorrow and just go watch some scary ass movies, instead.

Old-Way of Painting (Left) vs. Dual-Primed Highlight Method

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