Monday, June 15, 2015

Game Table Hijinks and Green Stuff

My buddy Doug from Miami showed up this weekend on a lark; it was good to see him. In addition to minor progress on the honey-dew list, we did a stop motion thing on the game table using my DA and  IG and it was a good time. Observe:

Also, learning is great. I read about green stuff and superglue making for easier to pose and more dynamic models, and it's been pretty cool to play with it.  In addition to this cool Chaos Land Raider Thing, I want to do some Space Marine Breaching Team Unit with non-stock GW models, and maybe a counts-as-Telion Scout Sergeant, on loan from another Chapter. (edit: he's the guy on the right, below). Maybe break down these old Gold Terminators I have and revamp them as characters.

Work on the table (i.e. terrain) proceeds slowly. I need to get some flat gray or black primer, since all the spray paint I have is taking a crap on me, lately.  Fouled nozzles etc.

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