Saturday, July 4, 2015

Sump Platforms

"Up-cycling turns dumpster diving into a legitimate practice", is what I tell my coworkers when they observe my shameful hobby problem from the lobby of my office.  I have so many ideas about terrain that it takes every last jot of my willpower to refrain from bringing home MORE trash than I already have.

BEHOLD! I loosely documented the process of scrounging these protective packing foam bricks, just when I was reading IRONHANDS's Necromunda terrain tutorials.  This is a tester and it turns out pretty okay so far...


Here, I have used my trusted ink-maker and a plastic measuring rod, non-standard, to layout the flagstone grid, with slightly thicker lines to indicate where I ought to make the cuts.  Such handsome fingers!

Here, you may see that I have used the hot wire cutter to inscribe the seams in the stone work, and also to cut a stairwell, large enough for a Space Marine scout to bounce ably up them without distress.  Take note of the mostly-water PVA glue mix in the (now impenetrably sealed) canning jar, behind.  This was intended to protect the foam from spraypaint, but... There is some protective coating or force field on the foam already, strangely, that repelled much of the mixture and left it collected in a puddle in my basement bathroom, which is sure to look suspicious to my wife, and then to the landlord when we leave this place...
Next, a coat of gray automotive primer, with liberal brown at the base to simulate the mung that surely must make up the sumpage of any medieval-level tech sci-fi fantasy Hive World (more on this later - I have an idea for many objective markers)
Finished product, with highlight coat.  Surprisingly durable for a wee slab of foam.
Here, you can see the pink generator stack for maybe a really secure Goliath Gang like mine.  The Full Monties.  A WIP, of course.  There's a blue one also.  I'm into the whole metal and stone Underhive thing, but fun colors like in the original Necromunda books appeal to me.  I have lots of Pthalo green and fuschia and other stuff.  These generator/dynamo things are going to get some OSL on the vents and in the turbine windows (not pictured - they're on the ass end around back)

The sewer grating entrance.  Lumber, PVC pipe, and a hatch from a rhino or something.  I imagine the Genestealer cult uses the pipe exit and not the hatch, usually.

Okay, Hive-Scum.  Be About Your Business!  The Emperor Wants You To Consume, And Never Create!  And Send Your Sons and Daughters to the Front Lines!

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