I have said these days that I've internalized so many dungeons, so many room descriptions, so many awful terse prose prompts for play that when I think "dungeon" it is fair to say mine looks a little like yours, probably, but maybe more 4-bit, more hard-edged, less organic and impossibly cluttered with other peoples' ideas. Reading a great deal of surrealist/dadaist things and of course, im no magician. my dungeons look like the hellish pits beneath Alpha Complex wherein sulky robots go to fret about irrational numbers and their unhappy inability to taste things. Above, the infrared citizens go about their dull routines and every so often an adventurous young clone peels back a ventilation grill and vanishes into... the aether? Ur-Space? The Dungeon Dimension? the arthaus Ravenloft's weird sprawling undercity? Yes. all those places
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I cannot escape what is mine and what is theirs and so I have but a scratching of some of mine into the machine and i press GO and I hope for the best. Mine would be tedious and so these are tedious, but at least I cannot be held accountable for what a machine produces (for example .various automated car manufacturers would deny culpability for deaths caused by their algorithms and so I declare myself not responsible for the deaths of any PCs or NPCs that may venture into a thing I might make with this code). There is no sense or plan, only whatever semblance you inject. I named it the first interesting thing that it made, and so let that be your guide.
- There is Whistle of Helpful Shard and antique coins worth 325 GP concealed here, in stone caskets.
- The room has a patches of green slime. The trap is attached to a stairs up.
- Strongly flowing air, here. There is also a lantern.
- Mostly empty and clean, this room smells dusty.
- There are 4 Morlock Warriors and an elevator, in this room.
- It is very dusty, here. The dust is recently disturbed.
- There are sproutings of luminescent fungi, here.
- There is a pit - it is effectively bottomless, or else the bottom goes to Ethereal Plane and hidden Potion of Philter of Love and 10 Black Opal 1000gp, here.
- There is Scroll of Treasure Map (Value 2 gems, 11 jewelry) concealed here, loose.
- There is a rotten flesh smell in this room.
- The room has a Nausea Gas. The whole party makes DC 13 Constitution save or roll -2d for initiative and -1d for Actions for 1 turns. The trap is attached to a seemingly-innocuous hook.
- There is a parking lot with 8 rusted-out automobiles or skimmers. The entry-gate is non-functioning. puddle of liquids that is probably infectious and hidden antique coins worth 818 GP , here.
- There are sproutings of luminescent fungi, here.
- Dretch, a relief, and hidden treasure antique coins worth 1088 GP .
- A Blinding Gas. The victim is blinded for 4 turns, DC 20 Constitution save keeps the antique coins worth 427 GP safeguarded.
- There is a rotten garbage smell in this room.
- Worg subtype T-Virus, a manger, and hidden treasure A Nickel Silver nosering, worth 600 gold coins.
- There are Shocker Lizard and a chest, holding a needle that never bends, in this room.
- There is a trash disintegrator unit. The party can receive 5 gold/AL in antique coins for worhtless items here.
- This small room includes a shelves of supplies.
- This room has a server room with 27 humming server machines and 6 artificial intelligences.
- Footprints, barefoot..
- Cold air, here. There is also a mop.
- This room has a matter replicator device.
- The room has a Falling Ceiling Block. The 1d3 unluckiest PCs get a DC 14 Dexterity save or take 2d12 damage . The trap is attached to a stairs down.
- This room has an office supply storage facility. Fire extinguishers, long-expired.
- This room has a hypersleep sauroid pen with 8 Large Dinosaurs in stasis.
- A Lowering Ceiling. Find the mechanism with DC 17 Intelligence check in 4 rounds or everyone will die keeps the antique coins worth 1410 GP safe.
- 6 Mants subtype Cyber, hidden 1031 GP in sealed sarcophagi, and a trap: Retractable Laser Turret attacks as Level 3 Magic Missile.
- 2 Spider Swarms guard scale(lbs.) Functions on 1-19 in 20. The treasure is locked in iron trunks.
- There is a broken collosal war machine, will place victim in temporal stasis for d10 turns if awoken here, trapped with Retractable Laser Turret attacks as Level 3 Magic Missile.
- There is 2445 GP
concealed here, in aluminum gear crates.
- 2 Androids, a wall basin, and a trap: Retractable Laser Turret attacks as Level 3 Magic Missile.
- The metal surfaces of this room are well-polished.
- Harpy, a recess, and a trap: Arrow Trap. The party sustains d20+5 attacks with 1d6 damage.
- Janni guard coins worth 623 GP. The treasure is locked in iron trunks.
- The room has a 40 foot deep pit. The trap is attached to a stairs up.
- An abandoned storage area, with Cryo-tube, containing a possessed Necromancer.
- The party can encounter 3 Spider Swarms, here.
- Displacer Beast subtype T-Virus, a loom, and hidden treasure 1456 GP.
- Graffiti here says BEYOND THIS POINT, 2 Night Gaunts ATE Edgar Glitchon in luridly colored-paint.
- There are Gargoyle and a tapestry, in this room.
- 12 Gamma Meerkats, an ore smelter, and hidden treasure Potion of Oil of Slipperiness and coins worth 492 GP.
- The lights flicker on and off above a stretch of cubicles. There is also wide-screen video monitor.
- There are 4 Skum and a stairs up, in this room.
- There is a small plasmic energy core - the room is bathed in low-intensity radiation here.
- This average room has Phantasmal Killer, forcing a DC 14 Wisdom save or Die, but if passed the victim still gains Paranoia. The trap is attached to a ledge.
- There is a hypersleep sauroid pen with 4 Large Dinosaurs in stasis and hidden 2460 GP, here.
- The room contains Young White Dragon subtype Chaos and a patches of green slime.
- The room has a patches of russet mold. The trap is attached to a seemingly-innocuous BEYOND THIS POINT, Janni ATE Euphemia Bumpstone in luridly colored-paint.
- The room has a Vacuum Chamber - within 6 turns, the breathable air from this area and nearby 2 rooms is evacuated. The trap is attached to a elevator.
- A patches of shriekers and violet fungi keeps the 1035 GP safeguarded.
- 2 Ghouls subtype Shadow, a platform, and a trap: Poisoned Caltrops, which must be avoided with a DC 14 Dexterity save or party members 1d6 damage and 1d4 Constitution damage poison.
- A magic mouth recites a dire warning in several languages and telepathically, containing antique coins worth 2090 GP . The treasure is floating in trillium-laced caskets and safeguarded with poisoned needles in handles.
- Gargoyle guard Identity Card Functions on 1-16 in 20. The treasure is loose.
- Janni subtype Corrupted, hidden Scroll of Treasure Map (Value 3 magic items, +1 potion) and antique coins worth 1545 GP tied in bags, and a trap: yellow mold.
- A patches of green slime keeps the 355 GP safeguarded.
- A patches of shriekers and violet fungi keeps the 18 Amber 100gp safeguarded.
- The room contains 1 Sporers subtype Mecha and a Mummy Rot Powder. The party must pass DC 13 Constitution save or all be cursed as per a mummy.
- Minotaur Zombie subtype Frost, an altar, and hidden treasure paint brush Nonfunctional.
- A dusty maintenance area, with Napkins and wet-naps, from previous decade. Various franchises.
- There is antique coins worth 2335 GP concealed here, in aluminum gear crates.
- There are 2 Lantern Archons and a recess, in this room.
- This cavernous room includes a 37 high-strength storage barrels full of stale ale.
- The party can encounter 4 Grimlocks, here.
- There is Scroll of Treasure Map (Value 1 magic item) and antique coins worth 1617 GP concealed here, loose.
- The party will encounter a Centipede Swarm subtype Toxic, in this average room.
- This giant chamber has Falling Stones. The victims take 2d6 damage each. The trap is attached to a seemingly-innocuous broken glass.
- Ethereal Marauder guard antique coins worth 1689 GP . The treasure is stuffed into sacks.
- The party can
encounter 3 Ghouls, here.