Monday, September 15, 2014

Trident Con - Odenton, Maryland on October 11, 2014

Hey Everyone,

+Erik J has reminded me that I signed up to run some DCC for Charity on October 11th, 2014 (Columbus Day Weekend)

My part of the show, titled "The Perils of the Plague Pirates" was a thing I worked on a while back that transitioned from straight DCC to a DCC/Dungeon World hybrid, and that I worked on for a couple of weeks before throwing up my hands and concentrating on the module I'm due to have published soon

Suffice it to say, raiders/pirates/brigands on super-fast hover-skiffs raid your pitiful village and take your friends and loved ones - well NO MORE

Do you try to infiltrate their camp?  Ambush them?  Hit them when they are at leisure in the Pleasure City?  Ride to their hidden base in the mountain cliffs on your trusty winged Panthrydactyls?  Beef up the security in your mushroom village and defend yourselves to the death?

I envision it as an Ewoks vs. Stormtroopers thing, with lots of mutants and terrible sorcery/super science, and of course a hideous witch that holds the strings

See you at 5:00 October 11, 2014

Link follows:

ghoulish thoughts

Once again, Entropy and Time are quashing the evil Sun and his hateful rays, and my tastes run again to the morbid and quaintly suspicious...

Before (The Donner Party!)

Last week a party member (the hurly burly Fighter) found and took The Hideous Artefact - even in a bag of Blessed Salt, this Artefact forces the owner to crave flesh and resist the temptation to eat it... What's to come of him?

And I got to thinking - it's one thing to raid the mausoleums and mortuaries for your repast out of preference, another thing entirely to eat the flesh of the dead of necessity (for example in a lengthy siege), still another to be compelled to eat it from a curse...  Also, there are many fine gradations. What if someone feeds you Long Pork without your knowledge?  Do you still get transformed into gibbering, meeping, hairless grey things if you cannibalize against your will? 

The answer, to my mind, ought to be an emphatic 'YES' but maybe if you take pleasure and enjoyment from it, it ought to go faster

After - The Donner Pool Party

I'll take my answer off the air, thanks.

Later this week: my musings on the Pineal Gland, and whipping your mystical third eye into shape for emotional and sexual health!  and experience points!

Also: stray spirits for your wandering cleric/wizard/adventurer to bind to his will

Stay tuned

Also: the number of unfinished/unposted blog entries is rising to meet the number of posted ones. Gotta do something about this.

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