Sunday, November 16, 2014

Stop the Presses! A Shadow Over My Heart!

My close associate and sometime co-conspirator +Wayne Snider turned me on to the wealth of weird models of Inq28

that is all

It's like a cross between Necromunda and Inquisitor and you don't need to make those models like gigantic and gangly and there's a jillion bits in the world to make things aright


Also, this thing to make Orders of Sisters

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Yarrick Approaches

He's here. The foam in there is experiencing catastrophic failure, so that's cool.  Blister pack says 1997.

  I think that right about then I had given up on my SM and focused on a pretty fun Scavvies band in Necromunda, alternating out in our little group with an Orlock every so often (bolstered by some IG Catachans sergeants as the Gang Leader and Heavy)

Maybe if I hurry I can prime all this IG stuff but I don't know if it'll all be table ready in 8 days. Dammit.

I was outbid on the repentia and the seraphim. Thank God.

See below some WIP for my IG and Inquisotorial retinue.

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