Monday, July 6, 2015

Table/Squads Progress

Painted/Dickered around tonight:

Cut some more foam platforms. That was pretty cool.  I dig hot wire foam cutter and only am I mildly dain bramage from teh fumes. After cutting and the baby went to sleep I slathered some gesso-style acrylic medium gel on them, which has the benefit of maybe forming a protective layer that spray paint won't eat up, and also not running all over the place like water and wood glue soup does...

...and finished a pretty fun objective marker/gang asset from a spare paint pot, turret hatch, and half a mini whiffle ball. I think the other half of the thing will be a portable void shield generator.  Going to put a bunch of Dark Angel/GoTC decals on it so that the locals know not to mess with it.

Glued some Necromunda goliaths to their bases, after all these long years.  These two Juves are practically my favorite sculpts of all time, next to Karloth Valois and my sacred holy grail Vader Librarian (which I can get off of eBay for 20 bucks but Jesus Jones on a pogo stick)

Finished my RT/1st edition Librarian. needs basing.  I got Blood Red paint all over my fingers and need to retouch his pauldrons but he's finish. I debate about the eyes on all my models.  I sort of like the pissholes-in-a-snowbank look.

Finished my 3rd edition Yarrick. needs basing.

Added a servo-arm pack to the RT-era tech marine.

Based but didn't paint the base of my Genestealer brood lord. Kind of a stone/metal/pipes Space Hulk vibe, which ought to go well with my early-industrial Hive World/Librarium table

Finally re-posed and started the bases for my Macragge-era terminator squad. I took their arms off and re-posed with the blob-of-green-stuff-plus-superglue method. I think I probably need to use a great deal less green stuff. The extra green stuff got turned into Helminths that will go on the bases - more granny grating and flagstone and wires and cogs.  I think I am going to dual-prime these guys also.

Next up: more terrain - the before mentioned squatter shacks and townie houses and whatever the hot-glue gun takes a liking to. I have enough foam board and craft sticks to make a couple of pretty nice Inns or way-houses. I'm giving serious thought to some soup can distillation arrays, a gum-box thermo-warp unit, and maybe I ought to stop this madness before I go legit crazy.

Everywhere the subtle signs that your presence is tolerated and we are watching and we won't crush you if you do the chores until you're dead but don't start to think too much and just trust us

Need to take a break from war gaming hobby to write and draw and get HHSOLO2 in medium gear

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