Friday, September 15, 2017

The Autoconveyors of Thrend

All this RPG'ing, in my head anyway, happens in my own little contiguous universe.  The main world is maybe Aereth, I guess, like in DCC.  The other one is Nebulmor, the Tomb World where Space Dungeon takes place. There's a beat up shithole named Rad.  They farm radishes. Sometimes, they are highly irradiated and mutant-rich, some other times they are perched on the edge of a hole (I think one version of it appeared on top of +Daniel Bishop's Silent Night). There's Helleborine, "that town over there", and Marbourg - kind of my "home town".  Floating languidly down the coast is Aubergiole, where men dally with fishy horrors.

The confines of genre are stupid; my things are maybe more like Titan and Magnamund than Faerun or Middle Earth. Where maybe the lines between fantasy and scifi are not as clear as they are now, sort of like in the beginning.

For example, there must be cars. The roads suck, but there are cars since (in theory at least) I love car chases.  And I like the idea of scrounging for gas and parts. And flat tires.  I figure, if you can't smoosh a crummy beater into your imagination zone, you probably wouldn't enjoy the games I run anyways.  Maybe this post is a clear statement of intent.

I think most of the cars must be hilarious, awful, cramped boxes of shit that respond well to tinkering and are immune to the problems we have today in terms of proprietary parts. It occurs to me that having cars means people need driver's licenses and so, High Schools and Driver's Schools must be a thing. I refer you to the thing I recently dropped on Google Plus called Alma Mongrel.

Anyway, here are some of the cars I think do well in my fantasy/sci-fi/post-apocalypse world of Aereth in the Kingdom of Thrend (first named casually in a session but then somewhat codified in The Hounds of Halthrag Keep). When they DO breakdown, it gives you a perfect excuse for an adventure...

Imagine these with ballistae, .40 caliber heavy machine guns, steam and/or nuclear or shoggoth-powered engines... Rowdy paint-jobs, magic hood ornaments, missing pieces, weird gizmos. Screaming down the highway at night, chased by Nightgaunts or a Dracolich.  I don't know.  I guess I don't get to use chase rules enough...

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