The good thing about dicking around with these models all night is that I'm almost done with the Cadian infantry and the Inquisitorial retinue
Except things got a little bit surreal at 4:30 am - not sure if the modeling/painting thing is now a symptom or a cause, although I did sleep about 10 hours the day before
Anyway, I got in some weird nerd-loop where I was counting figs into squads, except my calculations started to not make sense. I think I bagged them into squads correctly. Should have taken a picture; I think I was sorting over and over about 4000 worth of Marines and IG
I feel literally frightened of the slog that painting the Catachans will become - not the least of which because these plastic figures are ugly and the seams are hideous and (although I have no stitch of perfectionism in me) I'm offended how they will look. Weird. At least i felt that way at 1:45
I tore all the arms off the Flagellant/Veterans in disgust. No big deal they need some flamers and plasma anyway
I dunno
I won't be good for much today, I think. This is a problem. I can state unequivocally that either I am addicted to hobby painting or some serious state of anxiety is pressing me to escape from reality in an unhealthy fashion.
Gotta get to work. Pics later I guess.
P.s. I am no longer able to see clearly enough for the results I'm looking for.