Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Alpha Crawl Classics Mashup Funnel Thing

I dig DCC, and I deal in Paranoia.  I mean, like, professionally, man.  All day long some days.  Not to bring my work into my hobby but real actual paranoia is sort of my bread and butter.

the early days of computer worship! This sexy little reel-to-reel number holds approximately 5MB, almost enough to keep the image on!

Now, playing Paranoia!  That's another thing.  I think maybe it was +Adam Muszkiewicz  that rang that bell for me on an episode of DSR but I have really only actually played it once, maybe in the early 90's - seems in my recollection it was a sudden and brief transgression away from 2e right before my gaming chums all got into Vampire 1e.  Edition wars!  You want to talk about edition wars, why some people are convinced that 5e Paranoia doesn't even exist! Don't even get me started on the fnord Holloway Texts that were discovered hidden in a farmhouse in remote New Hampshire!  That's practically a whole other game right there, bro

I have often longed to play it, but that's neither here nor there.  Luckily, I have in DCC a fairly flexible rudimentary d20 engine with enough weirdness and entropy that I can kick it in the guts and do whatever I want with it.  By the way, the thing I have mostly written at the moment is like a cross between +Kabuki Kaiser 's excellent systems for solo-play, Margaret St. Claire's Sign of the Labrys, Logan's Run, and Paranoia with some Cthulhu sprinkled inside, all wrapped up in a DCC/MCC/CUaBM package.

Maybe for hilarity, maybe for laffs, I have prepped a PDF for people to use to generate suspicious clones to commit thought crimes adore OUR GOOD FRIEND COMPUTER with, and will run a Paranoia-flavored funnel type thing next Tuesday, maybe, if all goes well.

I think it nicely incentive-izes the usual Paranoia Stuff that players generally avoid but is really the hilariously spiteful throbbing heart of Classic/Zap

Space Dungeon - Philosophy and Progress

What with the recent uptick in interest about this campaign, I thought I'd throw it out there and refresh the thing, and interest new people.  I guess it must be partly on account of all the Star Wars:TFA resurgence and the well-deserved success of White Star by my pal and fellow Marylander +James Spahn

What is it, besides some gruesome chimera of Star Frontiers, DCC, and Ravenloft?  I don't rightly know.  I conceived it at first of a way to inject my anti-corporate politics (says a guy whose website is hosted by GoogleCorp; I know I know) into a low-fantasy grubby space faring game.  I thought immediately of the Cryptic Alliances of GW and the galaxy spanning corporations of Star Frontiers, and I tried to build into the campaign a fun bunch of premises (I mean, maybe, FUN TO ME):

  1. The action advances behind the scenes whether the PCs play or not.  Players ought to be able to interact with each other via the community (I saw this first done by +Jason Paul McCartan in his Barrowmaze Open Table thing and it's worked well in all the campaigns I've kept on Google+ communities)
  2. Always have some weird topography or gimmick to induce awesome movement and zero-G Mighty Deeds and stuff
  3. Always introduce an Alien race each game.  So far, these have been the Fed, the Sheeple, the Wolfoids, the Silgurians, the Mechannids, and a couple of others.  I am awfully fond of the original Star Frontiers races and the premise is that any race is welcome as a PC
  4. Flailsnails-ers are welcome (this was a New Year's Resolution of mine at the time, and I'm cool with it entirely, now)
  5. Low-fantasy.  It's a struggle.  It's dirty.  Things are breaking down.
  6. Nebulmor, the Tomb Planet, is where the action takes place and the undead and weird aliens are fine, but it's really the naughty corporations that are kind of the bad guys.  Right now, at this minute, Vista Financial has sent emissaries to the Berserker Droid fleet that approaches this sector of space.  They were awakened during the second game by some intrepid adventuring scumbags, after being locked away metaphysically for a long, long time.  With the captured Shining Trapezohedron that the PCs recovered for them, communication with the Berzerkers ought to be easy peasey.
  7. I'd included a basic idea (but maybe not very good mechanics) for people to set up businesses and interests for in-the-downtime investment and carousing, and criminal enterprises.  I haven't really devoted too much time to it, but I gave a couple of examples (Carl's CloCloCloning, for example)
  8. I stole some ideas from Kabuki Kaiser to give an example of how a settlement on the surface might work.
  9. It's nestled seamlessly and fluidly into my other campaigns, and the Robolich/Cyberlich are patronized into my Purple Planet campaign (not yet published - I like there to be a little mystery but it's based on  Helgaz Belkur from AD&BI)
If you can read this, and you take an interest, you're invited to come to the Fed Station in the Spring of 2016 when I crank the thing up.  Join the community - run your own adventures, whatever.  I don't care about keeping it neat and tidy, the time-stream has already diverged like 4 times!

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Magic Item of Yes That Sounds Awesome

I been sort of doing this for a regular player a little lately and there's no reasons why you ain't ought to hear it too.  Instead of having really any magical properties or mechanical effects, maybe your magic sword can give you wings and turn the whole world into a Radical Mighty Deed stage.  It's a corollary of my UH WE DONT NEED A NEW RULE FOR THAT; maybe the rule is THE RULES ALREADY COVER THAT

In DCC, the Warrior has the ultimate Freedomizer of Combat: The Mighty Deed. I note that in the more than 100 custom classes I've read for DCC, the Mighty Deed is the most stuck in there as an add-on to fight-y types. It's as if the Warrior weren't badass enough and you need little Orc teeth and infra vision, too!  Weakling!  I digress.  The mechanic is simple enough, a 3+ on the deed die and your awesome maneuver works and you get a cool thing.  It's added to your to hit roll and damage, and stacks with crits and so there's no reason not to do it each round if you're a fighter  warrior. Whatever.

The core book even goes so far as to suggest to the DM "make the scenes of fights into terrain filled stages for awesome mighty deeds", which is cool. One uncool thing, in my opinion, that the core book does is that it GIVES CLEARLY EXPLAINED EXAMPLES, which to my mind is clever way to teach people how it could work, but it also has the unfortunate side effect of turning the entire list of examples into a menu that particularly uncreative folks keep behind their eyelids.  I've had some folks "I deed to disarm" every round. Just that, roll the dice, "a 2 so no deed but I still hit."

I think that's exactly the opposite of the intent of the rule, but hey, YMMV as always.

SO. You get this pair of wings, maybe attached to a breastplate.  You don't fly. You don't float. No feather fall. None of that shit. No bonuses to hit. No damage bonuses. Just the whole world opens up and you can smash shit in glorious awesome ways. Think of it as a token to unlatch your imaginary character's feet from the floor and move, going forward, in 3 dimensions.

Caveat: If you say "I DEED TO BLIND" then it vanishes forever. Can't have glory trumped by shoddy descriptors of boring mechanic

Other examples:

Boots of striding and deeding
gauntlets of spider climb up your ass and clock you
Girdle of Boulder and Other Large Things Hurlingness
Spiderman Swinging Rope of Onehanded Kicking Your Teeth In
Cloak of Spinning Around and Flying Into the Air like a Damn Helicopter

It's just some bullshit token item at the bottom, but the trick is it unlocks that player's brain and tells him or her ITS OKAY TO DO THAT AMAZING THING YOU WANT

BY THE BY, it's my humble opinion that this is baked into the rule already, and FURTHER MORE, if you make a Warrior PC of any kind you have a great deal of freedom already just from the way the rule works. I always give the example of the White Ape Bananawarden, Smasher of Lesser Beasts. There's no explicit reason you couldn't use the Warrior right out of the box to play that PC. Grubbing after infravision and other things is merely a grab; you can get all kinds of neat stuff by adventuring, anyway.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Mdf tiles for Underhiving - WIP

Chief Graffiti Inspector Marlboro, sometimes Inquisitorial Crusader, declares Coolant Tower 1 has insufficient levels of Gang Signifiers, Propaganda, and Grunge.  The entire sector will burn for this transgression!
These 2'x2' Medium Destiny Fiberboard (pay attention, McFly).  They are $4.87 US at my local DIY Big Box (it's a Lowe's).  I got 4, and this will be the first attempt.  The way I figure it, you could do it like this, or you could spend the 80 Standard Imperial Credits from the Secret Weapon People..  Don't get me wrong, but for me the thing is mostly about Self Reliance, maybe, and thrift secondarily.

This is my Pinterest terrain board - infiltrated now and again by Cheesecake Pinups but I think I wheedled that guy out of there...

ruled some 3 inch squares, then tried to do a simple (probably terrible to a mason's eye) flagstone pattern with the 2mm drill bit and the Trusty Dremel.  A little bit irregular seems to me no big deal, since, eh, this is going to be Underhive and Spire terrain.  After all.

Kids and Adults!  Always use protective gear when you do this kind of stuff... I cut my wee little nose-picker before the work even started, just pulling the 2mm drill bit out of the package! my Armor Save is like a 9+
This is Trusty, my hole punch, and Trusty, my tin snips, and Trusty, my punch.  Also, Ms. Priscilla, my least trustworthy sex-toy turned crafts tool.  Variable setting: Lo, Hi, and OH JESUS GET IT OFF MY PANTS LEG
Blood for the Blood God!!!  This is a good omen! Ms. Priscilla had it sealed up spit spot.
High Performance!  That's what it is when you turn an old DVD case and a salt shaker into a steam vent, wherein Genestealers must surely dwell...  Bless Your Bolter and Go Forth

... Next I will likely add a little sand and cat litter and then schmear it with
alcohol-thinned glue.  I might add some wires and more gizmos to the steam-release vent/doohickey thing, but the process seems sound so far.  All in all this took me about 30 minutes.  Might take longer to clean up the blood!

Monday, December 28, 2015

Rogue Trader Bands for 7th edition

I have loved the WH universe since around 1989 or 90 when I somehow got my hands on RT at Waldenbooks in Miami International Mall. I don't even know if that's a place anymore, it could be a spice-induced hallucination. (remind me to spend some ranting space on the influences of Dune upon Star Wars and hence upon GW)

"You virus-bombed our entire planetary system, and for this we shall bill you thricefold!"
I often mention Inquisimunda but have not yet had a chance to play since my usual group is hardcore 40K folks and I am sure they might be into it but I haven't got the sack to ask.  I don't go as much as I did a year ago, since all I do in my spare time is watch my kid and play RPGs.  I still dream, though - Dream!  How can I keep my core army of badly-converted and lackadaisically kit-bashed Imperials as my favorites and then every so often include some filthy heretical xenoid scum for shits and giggles?
I think this'd need some classically stolen races, maybe. The Hrud; Tarellian Dog Soldiers, maybe some Ambulls or Zoats. I don't know.  I think it'd probably end up being a lot like an Ordo Xenos retinue and might be a good deal of fun but the whickering snicker of it is that of course you're not fettered by convention. If you wanted to "go unbound" then of course you can field whatever troops you like within a couple of possibly restrictive spacing guidelines

Anywho; just ordered myself a minor Emperormas present, a box of fantasy ghouls to convert into arcoflaggelants.  My wife was not amused.

Find me on Pinterest and see where my brain is at in terms of conversions. I haven't been very brave about it, yet, so most of this is just trash talk.

I can maybe post a retinue of Ordo Xenos in a bit and some attached forces and see how it plays out.

Also, had a pipe dream about Dark Elves - they are crazy cheap on eBay like they must be horrible disappointments on the board and so out of favor or something. Watching Voltron the other day I always liked the evil space goblin look of the bad guys (Haggar and her ultra-android troops). Maybe I make a Ultrabeast out of this doll up in my attic space but surely that would leave me accurséd. I think about getting some cheap plastic elves for their legs and arms and torsos, and some goblinoid heads.  Convert a Prince Lotor and Haggar the Space Witch and some foot troops and flyers, and off you go!  Here's a thumb in your eye, GW!

Although turns out since my last post they have opened up the veins of the Specialist Games line and pumped some reanimator juice in there...  just need some Hive terrain and maybe a couple of new orlocks and ratskins and I will be Satis Bene if you get my drift

"This is Dr. West, of our Marketing and Neuronal Plague Department"
Too bad - as much as I love Mordheim it looks like Frostgrave may be my next big thing.

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