Thursday, November 13, 2014

painting up stuff and acquired Yarrick

I love the story of Yarrick

Always have

Old man - past his prime. Mean as a snake. Arm cut off. Bale eye.  That stuff.  I got the old-style crab claw type instead of the new style power claw type.  He's been nerfed pretty badly but I like him nonetheless.

"All humies is scum and deserves ta be stomped. Except Yarrick - Yarrick knows how ta fight."

I figure soon I can field 50 man blob squad complete with a variety of heavy and special weapons, and if I can find an aegis wall then Skyfire to keep off certain flying MC. I'm actually planning an army to meet one specific threat and so The Apocrypha of Macharius dictates I must lose over and over.

I'm becoming lost and diffuse - ought to get a plan together. Even bidded on some repentia sisters against all good judgement. The whole Battle Brothers thing and the mixing of troops and IC really makes one think.

Probably ought to invest in some armor for that army but it's neither here nor there.  Dammit.

Yarrick arrives Monday - later today I will post my "children's toy to scratch-built shield generator" project

Update: Outbid on some Sisters Seraphim (thank goodness) but still high bidder on some repentia

I need to quit eBay

Friday, November 7, 2014

IG - Forward to Death!

I'm going to invest in the AM Codex, I suppose. And like I said I want some Ogryn to complement my Ratlings

Anyway, up to 12:15 or so mucking around, and I find I'm quite happy with the character side of my IG. I think this Commisar is the best fig I've ever painted. In terms of the rest of the Cadians it's a slapdash affair - I primed some of them pretty badly but if you mix em up you can't tell too much

I'm still too leery to finish my WW2 bomber-to-IG air support conversion. Really it's just a matter of adding some greebles and painting it up - part of the issue is that I'm not clear on the color scheme nor the mounting of the rear-gunner weapon. And I need to jimmy up  a flight stand for it, of course.  More on that later.  My nose art is going to be a sororitas - "Sister Superior" - transfer but it's going to take some fidgeting

This weekend is basing and sorting out the color scheme for the Catachans - probably dark gray and red to keep it in line with my other figs

Lastly I'll do the old Penal Legions I rigged up from the flagellants

First priority is to sort out a way to do wide swaths of flesh since I'm going to count the Catachans as veterans (they're 3rd edition plastics mostly)

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