Thursday, June 4, 2015

Scratchbuilt Terrain and Squads WIP

Some stuff I'm whittling away the time with tonight. I find that painting little metal people and hacking together stuff soothes me in a way that thinking about RPG stuff does not do. Taking pictures of it is fun, also.  Also, I got outbid for a RT-era Furibundus, and I don't think I ought to follow through on it, and pray the Emperor forgives me.  I haven't seen one for sale in a while and probably ought to wrap my head around never fulfilling that teen-me's mission...  A coward dies a thousand thousand deaths, as they say.

First up, Hazmat-Control Scouts for my DA Successor Clan, led by Scout Sergeant Brother Dole and accompanied by Warp-Containment Librarian-in-Training Brother Markov.  Their Scout Armor is shrouded in a protective layer of synth-skin to keep the air inside fresh and pure. Markov has been in training for quite some time and his armour is an old and rarely scene legacy pattern...  He bears the scars of recent psychik surgery and is always in a terrible mood, and prone to issue citations indiscriminately.

Newest old-skool additions to the Brood of Taint Cola, with S&H on eBay, they come to about 1.15 a piece.  To Strip, or just re-prime and start again?

My new policy is, if you end up near a lasgun, take it and shoot something.

New Policy: a liberal sprinkling of lasrifles, goo, and grid-grating.  I made that up.
Grid Grating is some kind of acrylic drywall patching tape, in my case found behind the dryer of the rental.  So free, and keeping with my low-rent style.
Punching out the keys on a flimsy work throw-away.  Makes interesting bits (see below)
A box of keys.  Uh, conduit.  Uh, panels.  Uh, viewscreens.  We'll see.
A gunner's nest, from a paint-drip catcher.  1.98 at Lowe's.
Well, if you're like me then this post has jus' about put you to sleep.  Good Night, and Consume and Obey, Citizen!

"Have you got a permit for that rat-on-a-stick cart, Citizen?  If not, I can issue you a citation and then you'll need to submit to a gene-scan, and so help me if you show any signs of corruption.  Is that a can of Taint you're drinking, there?  Give me two cans, five squigdogs, and a rat-burger.  Okay, looks like your permit's in order.  Move along."

Monday, June 1, 2015


A war-gaming table

A thing I've wanted since maybe 1987

There is one in my basement

She lists like a Dornish lass with a vial of poison and a fever, but...  She's here!

I christen her THE HIVE

Craftsy Stuff for The Emperor

at Michael's today to pick up a hot-wire foam cutter, there's like a steampunk section with gears and skulls and pocket watches.  also, some interesting alcohol inks and weathering stuff - something called a soot weathering kit, which would probably be pretty fun to mess around with.

Anyway, Michaels.  pretty cool angel wing  beads, for some hot Valkyrie Sister action

This is the link to the site:®-adirondack®-alcohol-inks

and a demo:

Sunday, May 31, 2015

This Hive is Lost to Us

The Commuters are already aware and are unfazed.

Bless Your Weapons And Flame THIS Area: Old Camera Rig for Shooting Minis

My once-slick Canon has been languishing since I got back into painting figs. Also, having my high-definition video camera/still digital camera in my pocket all the time sort of precludes dicking around with a 10 pound/1700 dollar chunk of accident-waiting-to-happen.  But I figure with people like Adam W. putting stuff up over at Kickassistan about his WIP I ought to let my DSLR and my freak flag out for a breath of fresh air, also.

What follows is just a basic test of the set-up, and right now, believe it or not I'm using a dead man's walker as a tripod, which is maybe pretty unwise but it's relatively stable and unlikely to break my rig and all the chunky gizmos attached.  A dead man's walker.  I hope it's not cursed.

Maybe I will document my sadly-never-finished Dark Angels successor chapter, ostensibly members of the Guardians of the Covenant.

Here is Brother Renfrew, hooded Templar-Sergeant of the Nox Betelgeuse Monastery, about to be taken apart by some xeno scum.  As you can see, the system needs a little twerking, but I think it's going to be nice, once it's all together.  I think it's going to need some pictures of Dresden in the background, or maybe some shots of a castle in Alsace-Lorraine or somesuch.  It could be the depth of field is a little too low, here.  Anyways, catch you later, heretic!

Suddenly, Renfrew regrets his choice of imposing headgear

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